Signs of Emmanuel

On this 4th week of Advent, we are filled with so much anticipation for Christ that we find ourselves searching for signs of him everywhere. Joseph had Christ in the womb of Mary and didn’t recognize Him to be the Messiah until he received his sign in a dream. Mary saw signs through her faith pondering each one in her heart. God gives us opportunities to see and feel him every day, but we need to have eyes that are not blinded by our challenges, eyes that are watchful and ready to see the signs, of God’s Holy presence. He is Emmanual, God is with us, and He can be found in the air we breathe, nature, our families, friends, and those we encounter throughout our day.

God loves to show us little signs of his Love and presence. I can remember one time I was feeling discouraged about some health issues, and my husband took me for a walk on the beach. We decided to hunt for shells and sea glass, so we went to put our feet in the water, and a wave pushed a rock in front of my husband’s feet. This rock was unusual for it had tar stuck to it and the waves washed it into the shape of a heart. This heart shaped rock surely washed away my fears that day and put a smile on my face.


Another time, I was walking my 11 yr old yellow labrador retriever, and I was sad because it was evident that he isn’t as young as he once was and even though he begs to go for a walk he just can’t endure them anymore. He was limping and panting so hard I thought I would have to carry his 85lb body home. I decided to take a short cut across a field when Max decided to plop himself down and take a rest. While I was waiting for him to be ready to walk again, I caught sight of this image.


It put a smile on my face for this cross was so strategically placed I felt it had to be a sign from God. I began to chuckle aloud, then Max regained his strength, and we made it home without me having to carry him. God is good! Because on our way home, we crossed the railroad tracks and I stumbled upon an amazing rock. It’s hard to believe I even noticed it upon the thousands of other rocks we were stepping on. I placed it on the grass so you could see the incredible detail as if someone had carved it.


Last week, I decided that since I was feeling better, I would take out the book I started writing a long time ago and rework it. I made some gluten free cookies, Jasmine tea and began writing. As I reached for one of my cookies, I noticed it was smiling at me. I took it as a clear sign God is pleased with my decision.


God shows us these signs to remind us that He is here with us and He gently pokes us to interact with Him. Advent is a special, magical time because it evokes a desire in us to reach out and awaken the baby Jesus, we have nestled in our hearts and interact with Him. We may have gotten so busy with our lives that we let Him fall asleep for too long and we need to poke Him awake. He lays nestled in our hearts as a baby in a woman’s womb and as a mother places her hand on her belly and speaks softly of her love we can do the same with our hearts. What signs is God giving you to poke you awake to play with Him?


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